Street in Sebastopol, French Troops Taking Ammunition to the Mortar Battery near Fort Nicholas by Edward Angelo Goodall

Street in Sebastopol, French Troops Taking Ammunition to the Mortar Battery near Fort Nicholas

(Street in Sebastopol, French Troops taking Ammunition to the Mortar Battery near Fort Nicholas )

Edward Angelo Goodall

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1855  ·  Gravur  ·  Picture ID: 197608

Nonclassified artists  ·  Newspapers and Illustrations

Street in Sebastopol, French Troops Taking Ammunition to the Mortar Battery near Fort Nicholas by Edward Angelo Goodall. Available as an art print on canvas, photo paper, watercolor board, uncoated paper or Japanese paper.
street · sebastopol · french troops · ammunition · mortar battery · fort nicholas · street scenes · crimea · architecture · crimean war · ukraine · sevastopol
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Bildschärfe: PERFEKT

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Other art prints by Edward Angelo Goodall

St. Paul St. Maria della Salute, Venice Ruins of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Sebastopol Station on the Essiquibo, British Guyana, c.1840 The Gorge, Ronda, Spain A Smithy at Seville The Redan at Sunrise, 9 September, removing the Wounded A Caravan Overtaken by a Sandstorm, Egypt Rome, in the Trastevere, near Santa Cecilia, 1866 Segovia, Spain Venice Entrance to Sebastopol, from the Woronzoff Road Deck of the French Transport, L The War in the Crimea Street in Sebastopol
Discover more works by Edward Angelo Goodall

Other art prints by Edward Angelo Goodall

St. Paul St. Maria della Salute, Venice Ruins of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Sebastopol Station on the Essiquibo, British Guyana, c.1840 The Gorge, Ronda, Spain A Smithy at Seville The Redan at Sunrise, 9 September, removing the Wounded A Caravan Overtaken by a Sandstorm, Egypt Rome, in the Trastevere, near Santa Cecilia, 1866 Segovia, Spain Venice Entrance to Sebastopol, from the Woronzoff Road Deck of the French Transport, L The War in the Crimea Street in Sebastopol
Discover more works by Edward Angelo Goodall

Other motives from the category Newspapers and Illustrations

Banquet for workers preparing the site of the Universal Exposition of 1900 in Paris The first female billposter in Paris, 1906 French Christmas in Alsace, front cover illustration from Up in the Hills, Notes at Simla during the Season A Day The Sentries at the Borders of Italy, at Little St. Bernard Halt!, Charge of Lancers at the Royal Military Tournament The Purple Indian Creepers The Eastern Question, the Ministerial Council at which the Deposition of the Late Sultan was decided upon Curiosity-Street, Pekin Sunday in London Miss Irene Iris as Little Bo Peep in Red Riding Hood, Gaiety Theatre, Dublin A Sortie from Mafeking, Desperate Work in the Boer Trenches Fish Preservation, Netting Carp and Tench in the Ponds of Bushey Park for Stocking the Thames Sketches from Souakim
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Other motives from the category Newspapers and Illustrations

Banquet for workers preparing the site of the Universal Exposition of 1900 in Paris The first female billposter in Paris, 1906 French Christmas in Alsace, front cover illustration from Up in the Hills, Notes at Simla during the Season A Day The Sentries at the Borders of Italy, at Little St. Bernard Halt!, Charge of Lancers at the Royal Military Tournament The Purple Indian Creepers The Eastern Question, the Ministerial Council at which the Deposition of the Late Sultan was decided upon Curiosity-Street, Pekin Sunday in London Miss Irene Iris as Little Bo Peep in Red Riding Hood, Gaiety Theatre, Dublin A Sortie from Mafeking, Desperate Work in the Boer Trenches Fish Preservation, Netting Carp and Tench in the Ponds of Bushey Park for Stocking the Thames Sketches from Souakim
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